So, here's a summary of the week. First, I smashed my hand at my hiphop dance class. I went to do this turn and then you jump backwards and throw your hand out, well, I jumped too far and so when I threw my hand out, I threw it into a brickwall.
So, now my last two fingers are bruised and fat. Bleck.
Notice the sweaty mess I am, obviously it's doing some good.
Ha ha ha.
I took Ben "text shopping" with me, and he liked this one best, and then protested that there's no way that my boobs shrunk. True, I guess this picture wouldn't show it, but sadly enough, they did. He's actually pretty good at "girl" shopping, everything I sent him a picture of that I was pretty set on getting, were all the things he liked the most. Especially this green and black bra and panties set...and no, I didn't model it on me....that would be dirty.

Another cute one of his pudgy face. I miss that face, and I'll be nice and spare you the topless pic he sent to me! Ooo la la! Actually, he'd seriously shoot me if he saw it online, and now that he's a bounty hunter/sniper I wouldn't chance it.

So, besides all that jazz, things with Ben are good. He said he had a bunch of Christmas presents for me, so like an excited school girl I begged him to tell me.
He response was, "Well, I'm holding off on one, because I need to get your ring size."
"Ginny darling don't freak out, I wanted to buy you a new CTR ring because since your fingers got all skinny and hot, yours doesn't fit anymore. And besides, would you seriously hate me if I knew your ring size? What? Am I not allowed to know it? I figured I of all people should have your ring size! Seriously!"
Yeah, he got a little over the top defensive thinking that I didn't want him to have my ring size.
It was cute.
Present number two would be my lapdance/strip tease from him....which, should be hilarious.
We decided that when he got home in February, we were going to throw a Mardi Gras costume/mask party and my house...a party for two, and he was going to be the masked hot dancer...because obviously I'm not getting a lapdance from him at his parent's house.
Man, I can see their faces now, especially since, if Ben wanted to, he could easily make thousands as an exotic dancer...he has hips like no other...although, dance lessons for twelve years might have something to do with that.
Present number three is a punch to his roommate's face.
(Long story on that one, let's just say his roommate is kind a of player who takes advantage of girls, and I seriously didn't know that...I just thought he was a good bad)
So, I said to Ben,
"Well, the first one's great, but you're not even going to be home for Christmas, so there's really no reason to label the others as Christmas presents."
He replied with,
"Well, that's my other present, I saved up, and I'll be home for Christmas.
From the 19th of December to the 3rd of January. I really miss you and can't wait to see you"
More silence.
"Gin? You there?"
"Are you serious? You mean I'll see you in about a month?"
"Yeah exciting huh? Sorry I can't make it there for your birthday. I did get you this awesome card and present though, and I know you'll love it."
So, for the most part I'm thrilled, the downfall is, I was going to drop another 2 or so pants sizes by the time he got here in February, so I could throw it in his face that I was "super", I guess I'll only be "sort of" hot when he gets here...although, then he'll have to leave again....
And, atleast for a couple of weeks, I get him back for our karaoke nights. I'm really excited about that. I miss dancing with him, and singing with him...
oh gosh,I miss EVERYTHING about him.
Another plus note, I get my personal heater back. He is such a hot man, literally, and each time I'm cold, I get to rub my freezing hands all over his hot chest...I LOVE doing that! Tee-hee.
On that note, I need to go running before church. I only have a month to look even more gorgeous, buy a little black dress and some hooker boots, and knock his socks off!
Here's hopin right?
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