Sunday, November 16, 2008

And it shrinks some more...

So, this may sound silly, but it's getting harder to recognize myself. I looked in the mirror in the morning, and I'm suprised at the face looking back at me. I don't look like myself....well, I do, but I don't. It's a weird sort of identity crisis feeling. The picture above was only taken yesterday, and I wonder what happened to my cheeks and big neck, and when did I get a chin?

Besides that, things are good. I get my birthday present from Ben in the mail tomorrow,

(oober excited about that)...

He "claims" he dipped himself in a vat of hot plastic, melted it to his body and made a blow up doll of himself and made some spots watermelon and pina colada scented,

along with some vibrating features.

Yeah, he cracks me up.

So, like a curious school girl I asked what parts were scented,
and like a girl deprived military man, he answered with,

"Well, you'll just have to wait and see"...

Of course, he won't tell me what the actual present is, but it was fun to joke about the other one.

On a different note, I love how hilarious his pictures he sends me are. He tries to pull off that whole "hot topless guy" thing, and falls short everytime. I love it. I mean, I can totally tell he's "sucking it in" in all of the pictures, so I lie and say, "Wow Ben! You look so hot" When I'm thinking he looks a little goofy. I mean, he's a goofball class clown with the insane curly hair and big ears, and I think he's the cutest thing on the planet, but he just doesn't do the whole "hot model" thing well. I have to give him credit for trying though....heck the fact that he tries is actually really impressive, since he's a little shy and his self esteem is crap sometimes.

I sent him the picture above, (because I am modest of course) and he went nuts!

Which, to me, doesn't make much sense, I don't think it's a super grand picture, but I got the "You're so beautiful" speech for the next 20 minutes after.

Although, my self esteem is crap sometimes too, so maybe I just don't see it.

Either way, I can't wait until he's swinging me around the dance floor again. Not sure what I miss the most, dancing with him, or him singing to me. I'm a huge sucker for his voice, and I totally lucked out with a guy who sings, plays guitar, has adorable curly hair, green eyes, and can dance like a stripper! HA! Downfall?
I see none.

Oh wait, he's in the Army, yeah, that's a downfall. That jerk.

Either way, life is good, and only 8 days until I'm OLD! ACK!

1 comment:

Erica Littlefield said...

I am very proud of you my dear!
