So, my dear friends the Williams had a blog spot, and I figured that maybe this would be a good investment. I love to write...and well, I have a lot to say sometimes...okay, a lot to say ALL of the time. I'm quite a talker!
Lately life has been a little out of the ordinary...and I'll be more than happy to downdate, and update you on it.
This summer is probably a good place to start. As most of you know, for years I've been in love with a guy named Ben...and for years we've had enough ups and downs to sink the Titanic. Well, in August he decided to join the United States Army, and has now left me here, to figure out a lot of things. I got so carried away with spending every single moment with him, that I forgot to look at a lot of things to work on for myself. Seriously though, this last year every single day was with Ben, and everything I did was with Ben, and I was SO happy. I honestly didn't know how happy I could of been...I love having that one person that's always on my side no matter what, and having a goofball to laugh with. So, now it's just seeing if this seperation does us good or not. Right now with the way his letters sound...I think he's going to come back better, but probably a cocky jerk, so I'm going to beat him at his own game...
I have had a lot of good times with him though. For his birthday in August (right before he left) we went to Twin Falls, and literally walked through a waterfall, went racecar driving, went to a movie, dinner, the temple open house, and I loved every moment. I also miss singing and dancing with him. I am seriously craving a dance partner right now.
Anyway...it's been tough, but I can do this...I seriously can do anything when I put my mind to it, which brings me to my next entry.
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